Operating and Financial Results

12. Administrative and Other Operating Expenses
Year ended December 31, 2014 Year ended December 31, 2013
Amortisation of intangible assets 1 094 849 1 039 778
Professional services 616 172 570 687
Equipment and intangible assets maintenance 507 548 384 547
Depreciation of property and equipment 493 169 529 712
Rent and office maintenance 435 073 408 987
Taxes, other than income tax 429 535 622 804
Market makers fees 363 350 557 123
Advertising and marketing costs 309 429 265 120
Impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets (Notes 22, 23) 209 775 -
Provision for onerous contracts (Note 26) 173 203 -
Communication services 115 721 137 404
Business trip expenses 57 535 55 811
Security expenses 34 052 34 672
Charity 31 981 21 041
Loss on disposal of property, equipment and intangible assets 26 413 156 122
Transport expenses 21 543 23 795
Impairment of investments in associates - 118 715
Other 59 146 103 671
Total administrative and other operating expenses 4 978 494 5 029 989

During the year ended December 31, 2014 the Group recognised impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets related to the Ukrainian business at the amount of RUB 180 970 thousand and impairment of DCC intangible assets in the amount of RUB 28 805 thousand.

Professional services comprise consulting, audit, insurance, legal services and other.

The Group has made several changes in presentation of the administrative expenses for the year ended December 31, 2013 in order to improve the understanding of the Group-s operations:
As previously reported Reclassification to transport expenses Reclassification of communication channels and services Reclassification of VAT on information services and rent Presentation of membership fees and conference organisation as advertising costs Reclassification of representation and other administrative expenses to other expenses Other reclassifications As presented in this Report
Professional services 899 449 - (137 404) (117 603) (59 351) - (14 404) 570 687
Taxes, other than income tax 505 201 - - 117 603 - - - 622 804
Equipment and intangible assets maintenance 385 996 - - - - - (1 449) 384 547
Rent and office maintenance 381 703 - - - - - 27 284 408 987
Advertising and marketing costs 257 027 - - - 59 351 (39 180) (12 078) 265 120
Communication services - - 137 404 - - - - 137 404
Transport expenses - 23 795 - - - - - 23 795
Business trip expenses 73 456 (17 645) - - - - - 55 811
Other 69 994 (6 150) - - - 39 180 647 103 671
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