Operating and Financial Results

The Group provides for taxes based on the tax accounts maintained and prepared in accordance with the tax regulations of countries where the Group and its subsidiaries operate and which may differ from IFRS.

Deferred taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for tax purposes. Temporary differences relate mostly to different methods of income and expense recognition, as well as to recorded values of certain assets.

The tax rate used for the reconciliations between tax expense and accounting profit is the corporate tax rate of 20% payable by corporate entities in the Russian Federation on taxable profits under the tax law in that jurisdiction.

Temporary differences comprise:
Consolidated statement of financial position Consolidated statement of profit or loss
December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 Year ended December 31, 2014 Year ended December 31, 2013
Tax effect from deductible temporary differences
Financial assets at fair value though profit or loss 31 148 9 507 21 641 (20 243)
Investments in associates and investments available-for-sale 1 743 17 227 (247 941) (41 456)
Property and equipment and intangible assets 16 383 13 731 2 652 168
Other assets 9 032 8 785 (2 766) 5 795
Tax loss carried forward 119 758 46 991 72 767 (725)
Other liabilities 361 005 207 748 152 124 (4 923)
Total tax effect from deductible temporary differences 539 069 303 989 (1 523) (61 384)
Tax effect from taxable temporary differences
Cash and cash equivalents (16 802) (276) (16 526) (26)
Financial assets at fair value though profit or loss (1 386) (7 507) 6 121 (217)
Central counterparty financial assets (3 709) (152) (3 557) 3 024
Assets held for sale - (44 807) 44 807 (44 807)
Investments in associates and investments available-for-sale (611 337) (7 544) (603 793) 39 040
Investments held-to-maturity - - - 10
Property and equipment and intangible assets (3 741 184) (3 878 865) 158 294 170 272
Other assets (6 814) (719) (6 095) 602
Other liabilities (841) (1 587) 746 1 605
Total tax effect from taxable temporary differences (4 382 073) (3 941 457) (420 003) 169 503
Deferred tax (expense) /income (421 526) 108 119
Deferred income tax assets 172 596 186 564
Deferred income tax liabilities (4 015 600) (3 824 032)
Reconciliation of income tax expense and accounting profit for the year ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, are explained below:
Year ended December 31, 2014 Year ended December 31, 2013
Profit before income tax 20 028 141 14 623 899
Tax at the statutory tax rate (20%) 4 005 628 2 924 780
Non-deductible expenses for tax purposes 176 340 249 935
Tax effect of income taxed at rates different from the prime rate (145 736) (133 836)
Non-taxable gain on acquisition of subsidiary (10 734) -
Deferred tax from a previously unrecognised temporary difference of a prior period (5 925) 1 816
Adjustments in respect of current income tax of previous years 15 403 (22 051)
Previously unrecognized deferred tax related to subsidiary transferred to disposal group - 21 561
Income tax expense 4 034 976 3 042 205
Current income tax expense 3 613 450 3 150 324
Deferred taxation movement due to origination and reversal of temporary differences 494 293 (108 844)
Deferred taxation movement due to tax losses carried forward (72 767) 725
Income tax expense 4 034 976 3 042 205
Year ended December 31, 2014 Year ended December 31, 2013
Beginning of the year — deferred tax assets 186 564 103 178
Beginning of the year — deferred tax liabilities (3 824 032) (3 884 784)
Change in deferred income tax balances recognized in profit or loss (421 526) 108 119
Changes in deferred income tax balances recognized in other comprehensive income 232 457 29 323
Deferred income tax liabilities arising from business combinations (Note 6) (19 480) -
Effect of movements in exchange rates 3 013 278
Deferred income tax transferred to assets of disposal group held for sale - (3 069)
Deferred income tax recognized directly in equity - 9 487
End of the year — deferred tax assets 172 596 186 564
End of the year — deferred tax liabilities (4 015 600) (3 824 032)
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