Operating and Financial Results

21. Property and Equipment
Land Buildings and other real estate Furniture and equipment Total
December 31, 2012 221 147 5 874 838 3 118 677 9 214 662
Additions - 104 336 359 047 463 383
Disposals - - (93 317) (93 317)
Reclassification to assets held for sale - - (25 045) (25 045)
Effect of movements in exchange rates 687 4 194 929 5 810
December 31, 2013 221 834 5 983 368 3 360 291 9 565 493
Additions - 161 253 491 253 652
Acquisition through business combination (Note 6) - - 6 6
Disposals - - (201 199) (201 199)
Effect of movements in exchange rates 5 950 35 298 6 291 47 539
December 31, 2014 227 784 6 018 827 3 418 880 9 665 491
Accumulated depreciation
December 31, 2012 - 871 952 1 987 477 2 859 429
Charge for the year - 121 143 408 569 529 712
Disposals - - (67 777) (67 777)
Reclassification to assets held for sale - - (18 829) (18 829)
Effect of movements in exchange rates - 232 361 593
December 31, 2013 - 993 327 2 309 801 3 303 128
Charge for the year - 121 393 371 776 493 169
Disposals - - (188 795) (188 795)
Effect of movements in exchange rates - 3 668 3 979 7 647
December 31, 2014 - 1 118 388 2 496 761 3 615 149
Net book value
December 31, 2013 221 834 4 990 041 1 050 490 6 262 365
December 31, 2014 227 784 4 900 439 922 119 6 050 342

As at December 31, 2014, historical cost of fully depreciated property and equipment amounts to

RUB 1 684 769 thousand (December 31, 2013: RUB 1 337 452 thousand).

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